March 6, 2025

What to Do If You Have Mosquito and Tick Infestations on Your Property


As you and your family spend time outdoors, you will never want to get bitten by mosquitoes or find ticks buried in your skin. Thankfully, you can make your outdoor space safe and enjoyable by employing pest control methods. To know how to handle a mosquito and tick issue, read more below:

Diseases that Mosquitoes and Ticks Can Spread

Despite the size of mosquitoes and ticks, they can seriously affect your health. Such pests can transmit diseases with many symptoms. They can make you and your pets sick. Common diseases they spread include the following:

  • Lyme disease. An infected black-legged tick can transmit this disease to people.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The bite of an infected tick can cause the transmission of this bacterial illness. Serious symptoms include high fever, rash, and headache. 
  • West Nile virus. Culex mosquitoes can spread this infection, which can lead to encephalitis and meningitis. 

Preventive Measures

Outdoor activities allow you to enjoy meaningful time with your family. However, mosquito and trick presence can stop the fun. To reduce the risks related to such pests, implement effective preventive strategies such as the following:

  • Getting rid of standing water. Always inspect your property for standing water sources like old tires, birdbaths, and flower pots. Clean and drain such areas, so that mosquitoes cannot breed on them. 
  • Maintaining the lawn. Shrubs and grass should be trimmed regularly to prevent ticks from feeling comfortable in your yard. When sunlight penetrates the area, it dries it out and discourages tick habitation.
  • Wearing tick-repellent clothing. To ensure ticks do not latch onto you, wear tick-repellent-treated clothing whenever you venture into grassy or wooded areas. 
  • Making a barrier. Gravel and mulch can be used to make a buffer between your outdoor space and wooded areas. Such a buffer can prevent ticks from invading the space.

How to Handle a Mosquito and Tick Infestation

If mosquitoes and ticks still infest your property despite your prevention efforts, you should focus on acting promptly and reducing the risks of such pests. 

If you have a mosquito infestation, find standing water and get rid of any sources to prevent other mosquitoes from breeding. Pay attention to old tires, gutters, and plant saucers. Also, consider applying insecticides to areas where misquotes may rest like shaded spots and bushes. If the infestation continues or gets worse, contact a pest control company. Pest control experts can evaluate the situation and implement a customized control strategy. 

Meanwhile, if you have a tick infestation, clean the yard thoroughly first. Get rid of leaf litter and trim overgrown shrubs. Your tick prevention program should include treating your household pets. Cats and dogs can bring ticks into your house. Your veterinarian should be able to recommend effective tick prevention products to you. 

In addition, you can apply pesticides to the yard to kill ticks. Apply the products in wooden areas, bushes, and tall grass. If this option does not work, hire a pest control professional to handle the infestation for you. The professional can offer a targeted solution to control ticks.