March 31, 2025

How to Clean Mobile Screen after using it in Toilet

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Mobile phones are one of the most important parts of our life that we cannot live without. They are our powerhouse of information. All our answers are just one click away. But sometimes our phones get dirty because of several factors. So, what to do in such a situation? How to clean mobile screen? Gone are the days when cell phones were used for just calling. Today, mobile phones not only provide us with information, but they also keep a track of our physical and mental health. Well, that’s why we never leave our phones anywhere. Not even in washrooms!

Today, mobile phones are made with exciting features that not only catch the attention of adults but kids as well. Education has become majorly online. Nowadays, kids spend more time reading online rather than reading books. And social media? No person can live without social media platforms. It is a way to connect with people. Mobile phones have connected us to each other in a big way. But there are some instances wherein our phone gets infected due to external factors. In such a situation, we need to clean our phones carefully. We should keep certain things in mind while cleaning our phones. But before anything, let us look at the ways in which we can clean our mobile phone screens.

How to Clean Mobile Screen – The Ways

We cannot live without our phones. We use it all the time, i.e., before sleeping, after waking up, in the loo, while eating, etc. It is essential to clean the mobile surface to prevent germs from contracting. Cleaning this one important gadget can help us in a great way. Many studies have shown that our phones have disease-causing microbes and fecal matter that can harm us physically. Here are the ways that you can try to clean your mobile screen.

  1. Diluted Alcohol Spray

Alcohol is one of the common ingredients that is used to clean almost everything. We use it for our hair and now we can use it for our mobile phone screens. To make this spray, you will need bottled water, a lint-free cloth, a spray bottle, and 70% isopropyl alcohol. Take the spray bottle and fill it with bottled water. Make sure you fill only half the bottle. Fill the rest half of it with isopropyl alcohol. Now, shake the solution well and you’re ready! Use this solution by spraying it on the lint-free cloth to clean your phone. Always remember that the phone must be cleaned once a week. Don’t use this spray every day otherwise, some damage might occur to your phone. Make sure you use it once!

  1. Distilled Water with White Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the hero ingredients that is used to clean kitchen sinks, doorknobs, handles, etc. It is a mild cleanser that cleanses without damaging the surface much. To make this solution, you need distilled water, white vinegar, a spray bottle, and a lint-free cloth. Take up the spray bottle and fill it half with distilled water and the other half with white vinegar. Make sure the ratio is 50-50. Now, spray the solution on the cloth and gently wipe the mobile screen with it. This solution will kill and remove all the disease-causing microbes from your phone. Well, there are some phones that don’t recommend using alcohol. In such situations, you can use white vinegar.

  1. Use a lint-free Cloth

If you are wondering as to from where you will get this cloth, then let us tell you that this is the same cloth that you get with your specs. You can use that cloth or get a new one. Take this lint-free cloth and add a little water to it. Make it a bit wet and then wipe your phone screen clean with this cloth. You can also clean the body with this cloth. After wiping it, use the dry part of the cloth to remove extra moisture from the surface. Using this cloth will help you in removing the fingerprints, oil, smudges, etc., from the screen. You can do this every day to make your phone look clean.

So, these are some of the ways that you can undertake to clean your phone. Now, there are certain Do’s and Don’ts that you must follow while cleaning your mobile phone screen. Make sure you follow them. So, here we go!

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Phone Screen

  • Always use a screen protector to protect your phone. In case your phone falls, the screen protector is there to protect it from scratches.
  • Always use a microfiber, lint-free cloth. This cloth will not leave any residue after cleaning. Use a wet and dry cloth to wipe the surface clean.
  • Never use paper wipes to clean the phone screen. They are capable of scratching the phone’s surface. Thus, avoid them for cleaning.
  • Don’t use household sprays or disinfectants. This can damage the screen to a great extent.

So, these are some of the key points that you need to remember as to how to clean mobile phone screen. Mobile phones are one of the most-used things that can contract germs and microbes. Therefore it is essential to clean them. Use the methods mentioned above and tell us which one was the easiest.


  1. How can I clean my phone after using it in the toilet?

Use any of the three ways mentioned above to clean your phone screen easily. All three ways are gentle and they clean your mobile phone screen without fuss and chaos. Try any of the methods mentioned above.

  1. Can I use toilet paper to clean my phone screen?

Yes, you can use toilet paper to clean your mobile phone screen. The texture of the paper is quite good as it can easily absorb the dirt and wipe out the surface. Thus, you can use toilet paper to clean the screen.

  1. Can rubbing alcohol damage my mobile phone screen?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can damage your phone screen. It depends upon the percentage of alcohol you are using. Using alcohol above 50% can ruin the mobile phone screen. So, make sure you use distilled water with it. Make a diluted alcohol spray. The way to make it is mentioned above. This will help you in cleaning the screen without damaging it.