March 31, 2025

Essential Things You Should Know About Spiders


A brown wolf spider.

Spiders are pretty prevalent and found in most houses. You might think these little creatures can be hazardous or even deadly sometimes. But do not be scared; not all spiders are harmful or fatal. Most spiders do not cause any harm to humans, and there is no need to panic. 

While your primary reaction to a spider might be to kill it or get rid of it, which is usually done by vacuums, it is unnecessary. Most spiders are harmless to human health and do not cause any property damage in your house. However, they cause some mess by constructing giant webs for their prays. Because of their sticky nature, these webs are made from silk and can be challenging. But that is manageable. 

If you want to get rid of spiders and are looking for an efficient pest control service, visit our website now and book an appointment whenever you want. However, you should know some essential points about spiders and what they do as house pests. 

Essential things you should know about spiders 

  • What do spiders feed on?

Spiders are carnivores by nature and feed on smaller insect-like flies, butterflies, cockroaches, etc. They do this by building a web from their silk fibers and then trapping the prey inside of it. 

Due to its sticky texture, the prey cannot get out of it and eventually dies. After the target is dead, the spiders feed on it. 

  • What are potential threats to spiders?

Spiders are cannibals and feed on their species. They often fight; whichever one loses or surrenders first becomes the meal. For example, the long-legged spider feeds on the Black Widow, which makes it one of the best spiders to live with if the deadly Black Widow surrounds you. 

  • Spider bites 

Most spider bites are harmless. Only two species are considered to harm humans, i.e., the brown recluse and black widow. However, if a non-poisonous spider bites, you might get some bruises or swellings in that area, but that’s the extent. 

Common issues caused due to spiders 

  • Spider webs are pretty challenging to clean and mess up the house tremendously. Whether the web exists indoors or out, it can make your home look messy and untidy. 
  • Spiders have a constant habit of knitting webs, so the battle between you and them can be never-ending. 
  • They have a rapid production rate which can lead to a considerable amount of spiders in your house.