Common Warning Signs That You Need A Shower Faucet Repair!

A lot of bathrooms go through shower faucet issues, and these types of plumbing repairs can be incredibly frustrating due to just how unseen the source of the dilemma can be. Whether it’s pinpointed to faucet valves or other components, it’s difficult to conduct a DIY shower faucet repair without extensive industry knowledge.
But from a homeowner’s standpoint, it’s still important to try to figure out what exactly is happening within your shower faucet. Although you shouldn’t necessarily be opening things up and jeopardizing your shower’s functionality, you can still do some basic research when it comes to what red flags you’re currently seeing.
Below are some of the most common warning signs associated with needing a shower faucet repair!
Your Shower Water Goes Cold
It’s always incredibly frustrating to be taking a perfectly warm shower, and then experience a sudden shock of cold water. A lot of people will initially assume that this is a water heater problem, but the truth is that it could be sourced back to your shower faucet.
Long-term wear and tear can cause shower faucets to slowly react and deform, particularly when another nearby faucet is simultaneously using hot water. This may seem like a plumbing problem that is from the past, but it’s still unfortunately common due to just how much we use our shower faucets.
When you’re struggling with this type of shower temperature dilemma, you’ll need to get your shower faucets and water heater professionally inspected.
Water Pressure Changes
Another common shower faucet repair issue is connected to your shower’s water pressure. Random water pressure fluctuations are typically connected to long-term wear and tear, but it’s also important to remember how there are many different types of water pressure changes that could potentially be occurring.
The most common issue is low water pressure, and a lot of people will notice how their shower’s water pressure slowly but surely diminishes as they stay in their shower.
One of the easiest ways to get back to warm, steady showers is to have your shower faucet and valves thoroughly inspected—and potentially replaced.
Leaky Shower Faucet Valves
Another common problem within residential showers is leaky faucet valves, and this is a widespread issue because valve seals will often break down over long periods of time.
What’ll usually happen when your shower faucet valves are leaking is that you’ll end up wasting a ton of water on a daily basis. So even though this type of leak may not significantly impact your shower’s functionality, it’s not good for your shower walls and bathroom flooring. Excessive moisture can also often lead to serious issues like mold and mildew development.
And when your shower valve leaks end up reaching the grout in between your floor and wall tiles, they can initiate the first steps of structural damages. The good news is that shower faucet valve leak repairs are relatively straightforward for experienced plumbing experts, and it’s usually affordable.
Addressing water damages isn’t affordable, though. So, it’s absolutely critical to fix leaking valves as quickly as possible in order to avoid future repair projects!
Limescale Buildup
Over many years of usage, showers can be affected by limescale buildup. This is particularly an issue in municipalities that have hard water.
Although homeowners could try using a lime and calcium cleaner on their shower faucet, it will likely only stop the leaking and buildup temporarily. You’re more than likely going to need professional plumbing support in order to identify the causes of your limescale buildup—as well as your best solutions.
When homes have hard water supplies, this type of plumbing problem can also affect your entire piping system and appliances. In this scenario, the best way to reduce the hard water is to invest in a water softener.
Be Sure To Work With Professional Plumbers, As Opposed To Doing A DIY Shower Faucet Repair!
It may seem as though a shower faucet repair might be a good YouTube search and potential DIY project, but it’s important to remember that any mishaps during these repairs could lead to further, more expensive issues.
Wear and tear is often inevitable for shower faucets, but consistently investing in plumbing maintenance appointments can help you spot lingering issues before they get out of hand.
You can learn more about shower faucet repair warning signs by going to the link located at the top of the page and speaking directly with the Beehive Plumbing experts!